Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier

Adresse: 375 Chem. des Chapelles, 74500 Publier, France.

Site web:
Spécialités: École de sports.
Autres données d'intérêt: Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant.
Avis : Cette entreprise a 6 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 3.7/5.

Emplacement de Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva 375 Chem. des Chapelles, 74500 Publier, France

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva est une académie de sport de renom située à Publier, en France. Son adresse exacte est 375 Chem. des Chapelles, 74500 Publier, France. Cette académie se distingue par son excellence dans la formation sportive et son engagement envers le développement des jeunes talents.

Spécialisée dans l'enseignement sportif, Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva offre des programmes de formation de haute qualité pour les jeunes aspirants athlètes. Les installations de l'académie sont conçues pour offrir un environnement optimal pour la pratique sportive et l'apprentissage.

En plus de son programme de résidence, l'académie propose également des cours et des séminaires pour les passionnés de sport de tous âges. Les formations sont dispensées par des entraîneurs expérimentés et qualifiés, garantissant un apprentissage de premier ordre pour tous les participants.

Un autre point fort de Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva est sa facilité d'accès. Le parking est accessible en fauteuil roulant, ce qui témoigne de son engagement envers l'inclusion et l'accessibilité pour tous.

En recherchant des informations sur cette académie, il est important de noter que l'entreprise a reçu 6 avis sur Google My Business, avec une note moyenne de 3.7/5. Ces avis témoignent de la satisfaction des clients passés et de l'impact positif de l'académie sur la communauté sportive locale.

Avis de Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier
Andrea Montalbano

Will’s two years in France has been transformational. His maturity, independence and confidence are wonderful to see. I’m so impressed with the coaching and teaching staff who are helping him reach his highest potential on and off the field. His friends are like brothers and every day is a cultural education. The Academy is serious and professionally run so there are challenges, but he is supported every step of the way. It’s an incredible opportunity and I could not recommend it more.

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier
Michol Stanzione

My son has excelled in academics as well as his development in his futbol skills in his year at PSG Academy. The Academy develops these young men into mature pleasant self assured adults. I highly recommend this for your son if he is motivated to be successful.

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier
Alpha Frxsty

Beware of PSG Pro Academy

My family and I had high hopes and dreams when we enrolled my brother in the PSG Pro Academy in France, but unfortunately, our experience turned into a nightmare. The academy promised top-notch training, great facilities, and students from all over the world. However, what we received was far from what was advertised.

Not only did the academy fail to deliver on their promises, but they also scammed my family of $60,000. The lack of transparency, accountability, and professionalism displayed by the academy is truly sad. We feel deceived and let down by an institution that we trusted with our hard-earned money and our dreams.

The communication from the academy was poor, the facilities were poor, and most of the athletes lacked the expertise and dedication that we expected. It is evident that PSG Pro Academy prioritizes profit over the well-being and development of their students. For example the director of PSG Pro Academy was looking for a kid who didn’t show up on time and the director loudly and carelessly said “Free money for us I guess.” Because he wasn’t there.

I urge anyone considering enrolling in PSG Pro Academy to proceed with caution and thoroughly research their reputation before making any commitments. My family's experience serves as a cautionary story, and I hope that by sharing it, others can avoid this dump. Their fields were dirt when we first arrived and at first we wondered if that was even their facility.

PSG Pro Academy's actions have left a bitter taste in our mouths, and we are deeply disappointed by the lack of integrity and respect shown towards us. Beware of this academy and think twice before investing your time and money in their programs.

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier

I can't stress this enough—stay far away from this dreadful academy. My family and I got conned out of a whopping $60,000 by these heartless frauds. And now, thanks to their shady partnership with PSG, we're left in the dust, unable to do a single thing about it.

If you're even considering attending, don't. They fed us lies about what they'd offer, and living there felt like being trapped in a dingy jail cell. There was even a kid there that did some disgusting thing while the others were sleeping. He even "did it" on another kid's head while he was sleeping and recorded it to show to everyone at breakfast. This is the main reason why I am SO MAD. Who in their right mind would live there with a kid like that, NOT ME. The whole setup is a complete joke, and it's not funny in the slightest.

And as for the ringleader, Isabelle—she's not even worth acknowledging. She's a disgrace to humanity, plain and simple. All this club cares about is money, money, money, and oh did I mention MONEY! This whole nightmare has torn my family apart and thrown a massive wrench in my career plans.

Honestly, this academy should be hanging their heads in shame for all the destruction they've caused. It's a travesty.

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier
Cameron Jefferson

Paris Saint-Germain Academy Pro Residency Greater Geneva - Publier
Sérgio Benedito

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