Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen

Adresse: Zandpoortvest 60, 2800 Mechelen, Belgique.
Téléphone: 15369100.
Site web:
Spécialités: Université, École de commerce.
Autres données d'intérêt: Entrée accessible en fauteuil roulant, Parking accessible en fauteuil roulant.
Avis : Cette entreprise a 86 avis sur Google My Business.
Avis moyen: 3.8/5.

Emplacement de Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest est une université située à Mechelen, Belgique. L'établissement se trouve à l'adresse suivante : Adresse: Zandpoortvest 60, 2800 Mechelen, Belgique. Pour les contacter, il suffit d'appeler au Téléphone: 15369100.

Ce campus propose des formations dans le domaine de l'école de commerce et est reconnu pour la qualité de son enseignement. Pour plus d'informations, vous pouvez visiter leur Site web:

En ce qui concerne les spécialités offertes, Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest se distingue par ses programmes universitaires et son école de commerce, offrant ainsi un large éventail de possibilités d'apprentissage.

Par ailleurs, il est important de noter que l'établissement est accessible en fauteuil roulant, avec une entrée et un parking adaptés pour les personnes à mobilité réduite. Ces installations garantissent un accès facile et pratique pour tous les étudiants et visiteurs.

Sur Google My Business, Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest a reçu 86 avis avec une moyenne de 3.8/5. Ces retours d'expérience reflètent la satisfaction des étudiants et des visiteurs à l'égard de l'établissement.

Avis de Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen

I was studying International Tourism and Leisure this school in 2021.
The quality of education is rather poor and stuff is not very helpful and willing to assist international students.
That is why I left this school after a semester and now, after 2 years, I recieved an unexpected invoice which they should have given me way before.
They said they sent me several emails regarding this invoice but to my student email which I already had lost access to. I couldn't even see their invoice but now I have to pay invoice with interest which probably what they wanted. It seems like all they care about is collecting money, especially if you are International student. They are very irresponsible and I would recommend to avoid this school to not feel frustrated all the time.

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
Bekzatkhan Maulen

Not the university's fault but make sure to know Dutch or have connections to Belgium before coming here as an international, too much false advertising and promise was given to many here.

If your goal is to get a job position in the country after graduation, be warned that opportunities here are very limited to internationals, at least from the perspective of a software engineer student.

Not a very immigrant/ English speaking oriented business environment. I personally recommend a Netherlands or Nordic uni over this/other BE colleges.

Good country to visit on a holiday but in terms of opportunity and prospects for international student graduates it is a horrible investment.

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
Chaotic Creative

I studied 3 years of International Tourism and Leisure at Thomas More during the COVID years. While during this time it felt like a bit more independence was needed and everything was chaotic, in line with the rest of society, I always knew I could always go to my teachers for help and they always listened and helped the best they could. This and the support of my fellow students got me through a quality education.

Each class, when taken in with personal experience and related to known workings of companies within your chosen path proves valuable to the overall understanding of the industry you'll be working in. I was given the opportunity to engage with the tourism industry's many facets including through an international exchange and an international internship. Both gave me more confidence in my abilities and allowed me to feel more properly prepared for future work. Thank you Thomas More for your help in creating an ambitious creative young professional !

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen

Goede uitleg bij info avonden. Vriendelijk ontvangst. Alle info over de school krijg je binnen via een communicatiekanaal, genoemd :TOLEDO.

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
Andreea Buze

I am so sick of the teachers who doesn't know what are they doing there. The level of unprofessionalism its huge and they only care to take your money.Most of the teachers doesn't know basic level of English, and the difference between oral and written exam. Its just a mockery for students who pay to come here and study. Shame on the coordinators of the program International Communication and Media.

I can't reply to you comment But I would gladly meet beacuse all off my colleague had complains and frustrations about the program and nobody did anything. And we even went to the coordinators and they close their eyes to the real problems and incapable teachers that don't want to retire and make the life of the students a living hell.

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
Alexander Gysbrechts

As a graduate of the class of 2020, I can say that I thoroughly enjoyed my time at Thomas More. The staff is helpful and welcoming and the lecturers have a high level of expertise in the classes they teach. In addition, the international courses really emphasise the international aspect with internships and exchanges abroad. Highly recommended to study here!

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
alex b

Heard a lot of good things from Belgium students so I adviced my international wife to go to this university.
Unfortunately had to see myself together with her that they couldn't care less for their international students, you have to find everything out yourself and accept the fact that asking for help is only a waste of your time and energy. It arrived to such a point that she even considered giving up college because of the inhuman approach of teachers and administration crew.
Like you probably already read multiple reviews above we also sincerely don't recommend this college for their international education.

EDIT: Thanks for the automatic reply but I don't believe this to be honest, there is a giant discrepancy between the Belgium courses and the international courses and from the international unfortunately I only heard bad things from friends and colleagues of my wife that I feel even bad for letting her study here instead of other known colleges in state Antwerp which have the international courses at the same quality as the flemisch courses.

Thomas More Mechelen - Campus De Vest - Mechelen
Niels Vanhuele

I studied 3 years of International Tourism and Leisure at Thomas More during the COVID years. While everything was chaotic, in line with the rest of society, I always knew I could always go to my teachers for help and they always listened and helped the best they could.
I feel like after these 3 years, I am well-prepared to tackle the tourism industry. Thomas More has made me a welll-adapted and more independent person!

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